tran·scend·ence – the state of going beyond the limits of ordinary experience

Transcendence means many things to many people. For Louisville Ballet, it means to go beyond the bounds of what is traditionally associated with ballet. This season, we embrace and celebrate artists – dancers, choreographers, musicians, and others – who are not afraid to bravely push against the traditional confines of dance.
We invite you to share your favorite moments from our Season of Transcendence so far, and your shared experience in the theatre – especially your moments of transcendence. There is nothing like the experience of live art, and we are so grateful you’ve chosen to experience it with us this season.
At Louisville Ballet, we believe those transcendent live performance moments are truly most transforming when we connect with one another. Share those moments with us, share them with your friends, and share with the artists who share their incredible artistry with you.
Please email us with your thoughts, leave us a note at one of our performances, share on your favorite social media platform (tag us at @louballet so we can hear what you think), or use this form. We look forward to hearing from you!