Position: SI Resident Assistant / Chaperone

Louisville Ballet seeks mature, responsible and dependable people who demonstrate sound judgement, strong leadership and good decision-making skills to be live-in Resident Assistants / Chaperones during Louisville Ballet Summer Intensive Program.

Dates: Sunday, June 15 – Friday, July 11, 2025

Housing – Bellarmine University, 2001 Newburg Road, Louisville, KY 40205

Studio – Louisville Ballet Studios, 315 East Main Street, Louisville KY 40202/ Louisville Ballet School, 4121 Shelbyville Road, Louisville, KY 40207

Must be mature, responsible, dependable and demonstrate sound judgement, strong leadership and good decision-making skills with an outgoing personality
Able to establish and maintain relationships with students by being available and approachable
Must be 18 years of age by the start of the program
Prior resident assistant experience is desired, but not required
Must audition and have been accepted into Louisville Ballet Summer Intensive
Must have a working cell phone for the duration of the program
All applicants must agree to a background check (Fee of $35 is applicable)
All applicants must agree to complete a virtual interview via Zoom or Google Meet


Supervise dance students ages 12-18+ for Louisville Ballet Summer Intensive Program
Ensure all students are following the rules and policies of the program, at all times
Maintain safe, welcoming environment by fostering open, positive communications
Plan enjoyable, appropriate evening activities for residents
Attend weekly RA huddle to discuss student needs, issues or concerns
Communicate regularly with Summer Intensive leadership regarding students or dorm issues
Assist with check-in and check-out as students are moving in and out of their assigned rooms
Chaperone weekly scheduled field trips
Assume other duties as assigned

The following are provided free of charge to chaperone and resident assistants:
Daily meals
Activities & transportation
Parking, if needed
*Applicants are responsible for Tuition

To Apply:
Complete and submit the following to summerintensive@louisvilleballet.org:
Cover letter describing why you are interested in chaperone or RA position and what you hope to gain from the position
Application Form
Background Check- completed online after application received (Fee of $35 is applicable)