by Valerie Canon for Arts Louisville
“The closing production of Louisville Ballet’s 65th Anniversary seasons started with a curtain speech by the current director, Robert Curran and included statements by past directors Bruce Simpson and Alun Jones. It was a wonderful tribute to an amazing history.
“The Prologue” shares the christening of the baby Aurora. The court set and costumes (Alun Jones and Peter Farmer) for the ballet were lavish and opulent. It’s gold tones give the impression of grandeur. It was truly breath taking. Five fairies and their Cavalier’s along with the Lilac Fairy, the forever regal Helen Daigle, and her attendants performed beautifully. There were a few bobbles and tepid moments, but that could just be chalked up to opening night jitters. Kateryna Sellers’ portrayal of Carabosse was brilliant. She dominated the stage during her brief appearance.”